Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Shane's New Board

Inside of Dave Lopez's Shaping room, Shanes brand new, 5'6"x17.75"x2", hand shaped board is being glassed.
Standard Shortboard based off of Coco Ho's old Lost Surfboard.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Barra (The actual surf spot not the region, or the hot chocalate brand)

Check that sexy rash out

How was the surf? "Horrible, no one out"

Waves were like that the whole time

Suns out Guns Out

Barrels for Breakfast

"Ive noticed on every trip that serge barely gets any pictures of me."- Josh Johnson

Great picture of Israel paddling in(bottom left corner)

"Wow daniel!" [he landed it to]

Josh always gets barreled

Taxi Anyone?

Los Tres Amigos: Part 1- Crappy Days in Oaxaca (Ya it got better than this)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Way More Epic than Barra...........

These waves are ten times better than Barra De La Cruz, Mexico.
It was solid twelve to fifteen............ [inches] Score!
Poop 360

This is how big it was the whole time.

Wave of the Day

Vinny's newest innovation of maneuvers: The Sack Back

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yahhhhhhhhh

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Los Tres Amigos

We ate shrimp that was caught five minutes before. So good...

What are we in Europe?

Who likes the wife beater tan?

Friday, June 3, 2011