Sunday, May 26, 2013

Daytripping: San Miguel

After weeks of very dismal surf at our home break of Imperial Beach we decided to take a day trip down to Ensenada to surf San Miguel. Although typically a north swell wave we hoped that at least some of the swell might sneak in to Ensenada Bay and we might get some waves. Unfortunatly we got skunked. On the plus side we had some great tacos.
Got to surf in the full moon

"pawa" carve
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i dont have a head
israel got so many barrels it was crazy
you'll freak when you see it
we went to Los Traileros afterward for some tacossss
the left was insane

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Riding The Jetskis in the Cabo

Over spring break, a few friends from school and I went on a five day trip to Cabo over the second week of spring break. Despite the first few days being flat, the last few days surprised the crew with a somewhat sizable southern hemi, bringing warm, perfect rights to the points around us. All shots are taken by Jeff Herrera, Noah Herrera and Jason Stutz. 

The first day was literally flat// set of the day




about to get urchined

a wave to yourself at oldmans is unheard of

Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You: DELUSIONAL FUTURE

Here are some frame grabs of our good friend Gabriel Caswall's new short coming out on May 15th.  Featuring: Daniel Dedina, Jake Stutz, Israel Dedina, Niah and Noah Bernardo, Josh Johnson, Nate Niehaus and many more 


i must say, thats alot of spray

of course he landed it


thru the roof